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Natasha Evans

Natasha Evans was born in Zimbabwe but has lived in Zambia since the aged 8 as both parents were born in Zambia. Natasha returned home to Zambia after completing a BA honors degree in Illustration at the Arts Institute of Bournemouth, England. Whilst currently very busy raising 4 small children, Natasha attempts to keep working and making art alongside designing for her collection of ‘Art Lamps’. Natasha has also exhibited in a handful of group exhibitions in Lusaka including a solo exhibition in 2011.


Natasha’s work includes abstract as well as literal elements. She uses a mix of techniques and is inspired to make pieces that have an abstracted quality but have relatable elements be they pictorial or by using photography or text. She tries to maintain a balance between strength in aesthetic appeal and concept. She likes to combine drawing and painting skills with less-used processes and techniques to create interesting textures and to add interest and question about creative processes and the different ways of making pictures.


Natasha has a particular interest in the city of Lusaka and is intrigued with the buildings and with the relationship the people who live and more in the city have to the urban landscape of Lusaka. Natasha’s work more broadly focuses on ideas relating to concepts of home, belonging, and travel and the parallels that can be made between the psychoanalysis of these concepts and more physical and literal imagery.

Most recently Natasha has started to explore the concepts of boundaries and borders and the crossing over these and has used compositions of imagery, line, and painting as metaphors to depict the movement's ideas or stories.

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