Stary Mwaba
Stary Mwaba was born in Zambia in 1976, his paintings are characterized by figures rendered meticulously with intensely expressive faces surrounded with more expressionist figures and backgrounds, combining realism with a freer more abstract style. Stary’s artworks have been shown in solo and group exhibitions such as ”Solace of a Migrant” in Johannesburg in 2009, “ Freedom in Transition” Lusaka National Museum, “Crossing Over” Caribbean Contemporary Arts 7, Port of Spain, and ”Fabula” art exhibition in Rome in 2010. He has received the National Arts Council Ngoma Award, and participated in international workshops. His pieces are represented in several collections both in Zambia and abroad, such as Barclays Bank, Lusaka, Robert Wilson, New York, and Zanele Mbeke, South Africa.